Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Simpler Times...

Why is it that as I get older life seems to get faster? Or should I say as the world in general gets older life seems to get faster? When I think back to my grandmother's time (I won't say my mother's time because she worked full time outside the home, as did most of my friend's moms.), when most women stayed at home full time, things seemed so much simpler. ( I know that "the grass is always greener" rule applies here, I realize that if I were to ask my grandmother, or some of her friends, that life wasn't all that simple then either.)...

There are days that I feel like I move at the speed of light from the time I wake up (at 5:30am) to the time I go to bed (usually 11:30pm) I don't stop, sit, or even take the proper time to breath right. And it's not that I'm not managing my time, it's just that there is literally not enough of it! Between school and work, and house work, and homework, and playing taxi service, and vet visits, and helping out with aging parents, to managing my husband's schedule. I haven't even mentioned the fact that I need to squeeze some creative time in there. How do we do it? I don't mean to complain - that is not what this post is about, but really? Is it me, or as the world has progressed into the 21st century our duties as wife, mother, etc just keep piling up?

When my grandmother was home (although she actually did work outside the home for a doctor), the era of the GI bill and affordable track housing, you stayed at home and took care of two things; the house, and the family. Even when I was growing up, my mother worked, but I wasn't involved in a lot of activities until junior high school and even then, all of the parents took turns taking us to and from. And before junior high I ran around the neighborhood and played with my friends for hours. I really don't remember my mother running around like a chicken with her head cut off all the time (and trust me, if she was, the whole family would have definately heard about it). I sometimes feel like I am responsible for everything; the house, the job, the kids, the pets, the calenders (and that is plural because there is always more than one, there is the husband's work calender, the kid's activities calender, there is the school work calender etc etc), the bills, all the way down to "mom have you seen my favorite shoes?" How do we, as women, make sure we get it all done, give ourselves some time to just be, and not feel guilty about just being? Let me know your thoughts please!

I really shouldn't be complaining - this is a photo of my great, great, Aunt Jen (my Nonnie's Aunt). This photo was taken about 1909, don't know who the little boy is but the St. Bernard was hers. During this time period women did it all as well, and there was no microwave, no food network, and no blogging to vent to the world their frustrations!! I hope everyone has a restful week as we continue to prepare for Christmas this Advent season.


Nadia said...

I love the pictures...... Thanks for the wonderful comment on my blog!

Grace said...

I love looking at old family photos. I think the times were simpler in a completely different way. Things were also harder in certain ways.

Monica said...

A simpler time is a delusion. Women had to do everything. They had no fast foods, no easy ways to do the laundry; Many had to make the family clothes as well as keep the house the garden and they never went out without wearing their "best clothes". Plus they died in childbirth often and had many medical problems that today are fixed.