I am still working on my drawing skills - but this is my rendition of the farm house. I did not draw the back addition, I couldn't see it from where I was sitting when I was drawing anyway. The front porch and columns are field stone. (I have yet to figure out how to paint depth.)
My favorite summer flowers are cornflowers and black eyed susans. I love there vibrancy and I find them very easy to draw and paint!
Both Fiona and Alexa were painting when I painted this. This explains the purple bow (Alexa's favorite color) and the light pink background (Fiona's favorite color). I'm still trying my hand at drawing outside of my comfort zone (anything besides flowers!). So tonight I am going to raid my neighbor's front lawn; they have a bunch of huge white mushrooms growing in there lawn -picture perfect mushrooms. They aren't real happy about them but I think they make interesting still lifes for me to practice drawing! Have a Blessed week:)